Tuesday, April 21, 2009

If you don't like your Faustian bargain can you file a complaint against The Devil with the Better Business Bureau?

I really like the way this guy thinks:


Such a great quote by Alexis de Tocqueville:

'The more government stands in the place of associations, the more will individuals, losing the notion of combining together, require its assistance.'

Who knew a 19th century Frenchman could wrap up what is going on these days so well? This is what I've always felt about the federal government. So much of what they do seems to be on the surface good, but underneath just a way to make you more reliable on them. For their own survival they strive to make individuals reliant on them. In a normal world for example, there would be an incentive if one were to end up on welfare needing assistance to get by to get out of that situation. Instead, its pretty much the opposite. In the grand scheme of things why work your way out of a mess and make something out of yourself when you can live off the government. I'm not delusional, I'm not under the impression someone on welfare today is going to drive out of the ghetto in a Benz tomorrow as the new CEO of a Fortune 500 company. However, there used to be something called personal responsibility. There should be incentive to work out of the welfare mess and into a normal life rather than a draw to live off Uncle Sam for as long as you can.

We all know how the government continually messes things up, so why is it when things go wrong the first thing people want to do is run to the government for help. There is example after example of the government being the cause of a problem, not the solution...or the government trying to come up with a solution and causing greater problems. So....................why again are we letting government run wild through the economy taking things over like Alexander the Great? I just plain don't understand why people complain so much about the failures of the government but as soon as something goes wrong they run to it for help? If the government tells you to evacuate the area where a hurricane is going to hit, but you stay there guess what? It's not 'The Man's' fault you are stuck there. It sounds bad, its not PC, but thats just the cold hard truth. And they believe that it is going to provide us with good health care? They're taking over banks, forcing car companies to do their bidding...and they want to run health care. What's next is Obama going to take over Major League Baseball, install a puppet commissioner and have all the best traded to the White Sox? I mean, the government can do that right? They know best. Makes about as much sense as them being allowed to tell business how to do business. The government shouldn't meddle, they should focus on the big issues. It's not for the government to feign outrage over bonuses to big wigs of companies when it was in their contract to receive them...bonuses that amount to the condensation left over from a drop in the bucket. The government doesn't exist to lecture car company heads about not driving to Washington, but gasp....flying in a jet!! Someone should tell Congress that the cost of them flying down there amounts to about 2 minutes of the daily losses going on in Detroit right now.

Why are we willingly handing over freedoms? Sure things the government do sound good at times. Getting money for existing is cool, having someone else do something for you instead of doing it yourself sounds pretty sweet, etc. It's kind of funny that guy like Alexis de Tocqueville from France, in all its surrendering glory, has advice for us not to surrender freedoms just so one isn't as responsible for their own well being. Pretty enticing proposition huh? Tell that to people that joined cults for a better life, well, if you could since they're dead...or on a UFO to another planet depending on what you believe. Tell it to the victims of repressive systems like communism, otherwise known as the beneficiaries of communism if you believe those in control. Communism does sound good when you first think about it huh? Tell it to Faust who thought he was making a pretty good deal at the time.

-End of late night ramble-

Friday, April 17, 2009

If Texas secedes does it count as studying abroad if you are going to UT?

I remember a few years ago when crazy loons in Vermont were trying to get that state to go independent or join with our friendly neighbors to the north. I find that story especially relevant because I still remember people referring to this as a sign at how miserable a President 'Dubya' was. I mean how bad do you have to be to have states wanting to leave or even worse join up with Canadians??? If I remember correctly the height of this was sometime in Bush's second term...I say remember correctly because sometimes I can't even remember what I ate yesterday so how am I going to remember exactly when people in Vermont stopped gathering maple syrup and started to revolt? So that being said what does that say about Barack Obama if a state like Texas is talking about leaving these United States within the first couple months of The Messiah's reign? Not only is it so quickly in the Obama reign, but no offense to Vermont, Texas is a little more important to the country. Last time I checked people like beef and oil way more than syrup.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Why the name??

I signed up on the site along time ago, but never really had anything to say and kind of forgot about it. I'm back and I was thinking about what to do this blog about...sports, politics, etc?? So why not argue about any and everything? That's what I'm going to do.

I believe there are three sides to every argument. Your side, my side and the right side.