Friday, April 17, 2009

If Texas secedes does it count as studying abroad if you are going to UT?

I remember a few years ago when crazy loons in Vermont were trying to get that state to go independent or join with our friendly neighbors to the north. I find that story especially relevant because I still remember people referring to this as a sign at how miserable a President 'Dubya' was. I mean how bad do you have to be to have states wanting to leave or even worse join up with Canadians??? If I remember correctly the height of this was sometime in Bush's second term...I say remember correctly because sometimes I can't even remember what I ate yesterday so how am I going to remember exactly when people in Vermont stopped gathering maple syrup and started to revolt? So that being said what does that say about Barack Obama if a state like Texas is talking about leaving these United States within the first couple months of The Messiah's reign? Not only is it so quickly in the Obama reign, but no offense to Vermont, Texas is a little more important to the country. Last time I checked people like beef and oil way more than syrup.

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